Thursday, May 21, 2009


It has been suggested to me that our blog has been somewhat haphazard in the regularity department. So we are going to try to be more disciplined about our updates.

Holly is cooking right along. She gave us a scare a few weeks ago with a sudden enhancement of her "readiness" profile. This is our first pregnancy with her so we are not entirely sure what to expect. In any case, she was just making us squirm, and it looks like we are still on target for a June birth.

I audited a great 3 day dressage clinic with Liz Steacie at the end of April. What a refreshing change she was from the typical spank and crank we tend to see around here. I am very excited to ride with her when she comes back in July (Hermione is somewhat less excited).

Speaking of Hermione, she was bred yesterday to her old sweetheart, our former stallion Harkaway Lionhawk, who now stands with his sire and brothers at Blackberry Ridge Farm. This combination produced an extraordinary filly for us once before so we are hoping for a repeat.

In human family news, Noah and Will are counting down the last few days of school. Noah is going to a special VIP luncheon at Will's school today. Will is excited about showing off his big brother to his friends.

John drained our ornamental fishless pond yesterday and found a surprise at the bottom. A snapping turtle! She (he?) was most displeased with the intrusion and displayed some fairly frightening behavior that gained the respect of us humans. So we cleaned the pond quickly and got out of the way while she re-installed herself. Will tearfully named her "Swoops" after his pet-for-an-afternoon toad that sadly hopped away while he was inside eating his dinner yesterday evening. Ah, the heartbreaks of childhood.

Stay tuned for pics!